My name is Jude and I'm a 20 yr ol nonbinary lesbian livin' in Michigan! I am taken (9.16.23) by my gorgeous girlfriend and together we have one little one (a pug named Honey). I work fulltime at a car wash right now, but I am hoping to go back into college in the future for a teaching degree! :) I really enjoy paleontology and everything to do with dinosaurs, it's a big special interest of mine! Another special interest of mine is The Twilight Saga (yes, the shitty teenage vampire romance novels) and I could rant for hours about them. I have done art since I was really young and still do! I mainly do digital, have been for so long that tradtional is SO difficult. My favorite colors green and brown and light blue - I also enjoy oranges and yellows! Earthy tones all around. I used to live in Texas, and efore that I ived in 3 other states (making it 5 total for overall state residency numbers!!!) My favorite dog breeds are cchoclate labs and golden retrievers, something about those retrievers, man!!!

